Government has responded to the 2016 review. Government continues treading water on most issues, sadly not taking the opportunity to rectify the spousal issue with Section 70 matters. The opportunity to build upon our sound NZ Superannuation and Kiwi Saver models has not been taken up, very much a tired inward looking Government. Some minor creativity and energy could have addressed a number of urgent issues, and a Task force approach to some significant matters that will not go away, would have benefited New Zealanders. There is a great opportunity for NZ to be a world leader in retirement income policy, but some vision and mettle is required.
Posted Alec Waugh
A pathetic display of ignorance by the current NZ Government. Clearly the issues at hand have to be placed in the too hard basket as with a lot of issues currently facing our nation.
Having an ex Minister of Social Development now as Deputy PM probably does not help the cause. It is time these folks bowed out.
The spousal provision is a total disgrace. Government has just taken it off the table with some fallacious arguments even a child can see through