Hi all
The Kaspanz editor will adopt a flexible approach during the above.
A Newsletter will be posted periodically, not just with Retirement Income focus, adopting the formula of a chatty newsletter across a wide range of subjects. Mainly opinion ( not advice) to make readers think. The editor is a senior in years, background in Police and Business, academic qualifications in History and Public Policy, hopefully pragmatic, common sense driven, and trying to look at articles and opinion with some evidence based foundation and commentator substance.
- On the Finance and Investment front the Editors opinion re Kiwi Saver, Managed funds is do nothing, put the issue in the bottom draw and wait till much later to do anything at all!
- Be wary of Talk back hosts and many economic commentators. Most speak well outside of their brief and knowledge, take their comments with caution.
- On the Pandemic. The 1918 Spanish flu killed 9000 New Zealanders with a then population of 1.25 million. we are now a population on the lip of 5 Million. See below