The February 2014 Consumer magazine provides a very useful guide for comparing Kiwi Saver funds. This magazine is subscription based, and makes valuable reading, utilising sound research methodology. The article notes 61% of Kiwi Savers (2.15 million) make an active choice to join, the rest automatically enrolled, and Kata Suka’s article is all about how more easily one can compare Kiwi saver Funds, provides valuable tips, and looks at the top five and bottom two performers in each of the five fund types.
The Mercer Kiwi Saver Sentiment Index study gathered date from 1000 working New Zealanders 18-65 and concluded majority of New Zealanders do not fully understand Kiwi Saver, especially when it comes to switching jobs, tax rates and the Governments annual contribution. When you switch jobs, your new employer does not always automatically contribute; individuals need to fill out a Kiwi Saver deduction notice. The Mercer study is commissioned by a Kiwi Saver provider, but always makes interesting reading. Read more.Kiwis wake up to their retirement saving reality_files
Brian Gaynor in a NZ Herald article Saturday March 15, 2014, slammed Kiwi Saver members for their conservative investment practices, stating that this conservative approach to savings is an enormous wasted opportunity, money literally being thrown away. Asset allocation is a vital issue for everyone saving through Kiwi Saver, and Gaynor holds the position that growth assets must be the primary focus of long term investment strategy. Read moreBrian Gaynor KiwiSavers paying high price for caution – Business – NZ Herald News_files
Posted by Alec Waugh
Thank goodness I was too old to join the Kiwi saver!