Can someone please explain the difference between KiwiSaver, The New Zealand Superannuation Fund and New Zealand Superannuation?
KIWI-SAVER was introduced by the Government in 2007 to help New Zealanders save towards their retirement. To help you save, the Government will make an annual contribution towards your Kiwi Saver account (member tax credit) as long as you are a contributing member aged 18 or over. Member tax credit ceases when the member reaches the age of eligibility for NZ Super (currently 65) or has been a member for 5 years, whichever is the later. To get the full member tax credit automatically “you” have to contribute at least $1,042.86 a year
Employees: You can choose to contribute 3%, 4% or 8% of your before-tax pay. If you don’t choose an amount, the default rate of 3% will apply.
If you’re not an employee – for example, you’re self-employed, a contractor, not working or receiving a benefit, then your contribution rate will be set out in the contract you have with your Kiwi Saver provider. There may be a minimum annual sum, or specific payment periods that apply, such as monthly or quarterly.
“Individuals can start a Kiwi Saver account in their own name and take it with them from job to job. “Kiwi Saver is not guaranteed by anyone, including the Government.
“The Government is responsible for setting the rules and regulations for providing a Kiwi Saver scheme. “Providers are supervised by independent trustees and the Financial Markets Authority exercises continuing oversight of the schemes.
Oct 24, 2013 – In the report the Retirement Commissioner acknowledged that while private savings, including Kiwi-Saver, will play an increasingly strong part of people’s retirement income, these should be a supplement rather than a replacement for NZ Superannuation’s modest payments.
NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION (NZ SUPER) is the government pension paid to Kiwis over the age of 65. Any eligible (if you receive an overseas pension, this is important) New Zealander receives NZ Super regardless of how much they earn through paid work, savings and investments, what other assets they own or what taxes they have paid. NZ Superannuation is taxable income
THE NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION FUND (NZSF) was established in 2003 to help pay for the future costs of superannuation entitlements.
Estimated to cover about 10% of future costs and to reduce the tax burden on future New Zealanders for the cost of New Zealand Superannuation
The NZSF invests money on the Government’s behalf and the fund is managed by a crown entity – the Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation
Posted by Alec Waugh 1 February