This is great news for many senior citizens in Aotearoa New Zealand ….. over 590,000 of us are trying to understand the confusing laws rules and regulations surrounding NZ Super and also Kiwisaver………..time for a ONE LAW ONE RULE FOR ALL PLEASE. your web site is looking very good and i will be recommending to my many friends and colleagues who are having trouble with their financial situation at the moment as retired over 65s i belong to two organisations (nameless for now?) who have a membership of over 60,000 migrants with problems with NZ Govt and their entitlement to NZ Super (because of their personal occupational contributory savings schemes – same as Kiwisaver here) also in the other organisation over 30,000 members so that would make a good starting base for your new organisation. hope you can get good advertising please nationwide in Print media……Cyberspace of course as lots of us have Facebook pages Twitter accts on emails and iphones etc. hope we can make some impact as i have een battling for the past 10 years with Govt on justice for Migrants and their NZ Super…….but very little headway now two Bills going through Parliament well one Denis O’Rourke NZ First dont forget and check look at and |
Hear hear Marie Therese, why can’t we get some momentum, least of those who have last ALL their NZS due to MSD’s draconian application of Section 70?
thanks for sharing ..