The case against Raising NZ Superannuation age of entitlement

This 2017 article is a timely reminder re both the substance and complexity of New Zealand Superannuation. Contains some excellent references,  and always be aware of the single issue commentator and those who adopt crisis rhetoric on the topic. Its a worry when you hear Larry Williams, Mike Hosking, Heather du Plessis Allan and Cameron Bagrie talking on this  and similar issues. Limited knowledge and loud voices!

Here is hoping the Retirement Commissioner is developing an extensive body of knowledge on the topic she and her team must be research experts on NZ Super and comparative analysis  details, aware of what’s sound and what’s unsound in OECD countries , Chile, Scandinavian  and similar.


Posted b y Alec Waugh 6 July 2018

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The Case against raising NZ Superannuation age of entitlement

This 2017 article is a timely reminder re both the substance and complexity of New Zealand Superannuation. Contains some excellent references,  and always be aware of the single issue commentator and those who adopt crisis rhetoric on the topic.

Here is hoping the Retirement Commissioner is developing an extensive body of knowledge on the topic she and her team must be research experts on NZ Super and comparative analysis aware of what’s sound  and what’s unsound using OECD countries , Chile, Scandinavian  experience to assist policy development.

Its a worry when you hear the likes of Heather du Plessis-Allen, Mike Hosking, Cameron Bagrie  and Larry Williams commenting on NZ retirement income issues, limited knowledge, loud voices!!!