Treasury reports should not be, and cannot be dismissed. They represent the view of Governments lead advisor on economic, financial and regulatory issues, and will always be to the forefront of the mix of policy advice and debate. Equally from a group with excellent resources, their advice is not always as robust, as an ideal world would want. I have met a substantial number of their staff over many years, and they range from very good to very marginal. Treasury listening skills and interaction with the public they serve, the quality of the many team leaders within the Treasury organisation, can be variable, and this always impacts upon their many reports!
Alec Waugh
Ageing population could cost, Treasury warns
Treasury is warning that rising costs associated with the ageing population and costlier healthcare will drive the Crown’s books persistently into the red from 2020 onward unless current spending discipline is maintained or other measures such as tax increases are implemented.
Treasury this afternoon released Affording Our Future, the latest of its four-yearly statements on the country’s long term fiscal position.
Read Adam Bennett’s full NZ Herald Article at This Link
he good news is NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION FUND Now has over $22Billion dollars in it (that is if the elected representatives of the people dont start eyeing it up for other uses) this is our retirement pensions and should be left to earn money and be looked after carefully………………also the GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION FUND (the fund to give our hard working servants their pensions on retirement plus a lump sum ???????????????) doesnt look too good at the moment ??????????????? over $600millino went into it last year (Finance Minister in Parliament look up Hansard??) so that means we have retired PMs MPs and public servants drawing on the TAX PURSE as well as the general 65 plus retired persons…………but also these retired PMs MPs and public servants WILL BE TRIPLE DIPPING then as they will be entitled to NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION PLUS GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION PLUS KIWISAVER????????????