Our Tasman Neighbours raise the retirement age for Superannuation (In-depth review of NZ party positions by Alec Waugh)

Treasurer Joe Hockey prior to his May 13 Budget, has announced plans to rise the Australian Superannuation age to 70. The Aussie Superannuation scheme is completely different to New Zealand, complex, means tested and riddled with exceptions. The announcement has a “knee jerk policy approach” “all over it, so comparisons with NZ are limited. Perceptions however play a role in all things, and our Tasman neighbours decision to move the Superannuation age upwards impacts on thinking here in NZ Continue reading Our Tasman Neighbours raise the retirement age for Superannuation (In-depth review of NZ party positions by Alec Waugh)

Do you want know, what are the current Retirement Income issues in NZ: Summary of issues 2014- from the Retirement Policy and Research Centre

http://docs.business.auckland.ac.nz/Doc/background-paper-event-17th-April.pdf Posted Alec Waugh