Our Chair’s Letter Sunday Star Times

On Colin Espiner’s Blog (see below Alec’s Letter)

Published 20th October

Colin Espiner “Our pension penchant” continues a regular theme of headline articles on retirement income, with superficial comment, and doom and gloom ingredients.  Espiner needs to come to grips with the fact the universality of NZ Super and the model utilized is recognized by informed commentators as a world leader, and its simplicity to be treasured and nurtured. The Kiss principle applies, otherwise NZ gets into the maze of difficulties that Australia and the United Kingdom and others have and continue to experience.  Espiner’s article is a simple litany of exaggerations, containing  one liners and left hooks, targeting baby boomers and using emotive words including  financial freight train, gold plated, unfair, not affordable etc.  What’s needed in the context of reviewing this superficial article, is not a defence of the status quo, with both sides slinging mud at each other, but a calm and reflective look at policy levers that could be applied to a range of formula and models applying to retirement income, evidence based research on the various assumptions, trends both financial and social over reasonable time frames, cross party consensus on issues like this, so impulsive  decision making and Government tampering does not occur, and long lead in time frames so the New Zealand population as a whole can adjust to new directions and  also build that knowledge into their own financial planning. The Financial Literacy and Retirement Commission planning document is no timid report, instead it’s a thoughtful and succinct overview of the many issues and policy levers that could be applied to retirement income, containing recommendations to assist future discussion and decision making. Unfortunately the Espiner article contributes little to this conversation!

Alec Waugh

OPINION: Nothing is certain in life, as old Ben Franklin once said, except death and taxes.

The founding father of the United States saw plenty of both in his time, and while he lived to the ripe old age of 84 most of his countrymen weren’t so lucky. Continue reading Our Chair’s Letter Sunday Star Times

Government keeps conservative default KiwiSaver funds, to re-tender for providers

Government keeps conservative mandate for default KiwiSaver funds, to re-tender for providers The government has settled on keeping the existing … More Government keeps conservative default KiwiSaver funds, to re-tender for providers

Proceedings of the RPRC Forum: Does the UK’s reform of pensions have lessons for New Zealand?

The presentations from the RPRC’s 23 September forum Does the UK’s reform of pensions have lessons for New Zealand? are … More Proceedings of the RPRC Forum: Does the UK’s reform of pensions have lessons for New Zealand?

Kaspanz Chair Makes Sunday Star Times

Don’t panic on pensions


Sunday Star Times Oct 13th, 2013 D1, D5

Fears of a massive unaffordable pensions blowout in future may be easing as analysis suggests a sustainable solution is achievable.

Measures proposed by the Retirement Commission are estimated to cut the cost of NZ Super to about 6.5 per cent of GDP by 2060 – a level seen as costly, but affordable.

Retirement Commissioner Diane Maxwell said the measures were designed to be the last big changes needed to make the universal state pension sustainable in the face of an ageing population.

Her comments follow analysis from the University of Auckland’s Retirement Policy and Research Centre showing a consistent decline in Treasury’s estimates of the future cost of NZ Super.

14 treasury models

Click for full-sized image

On Wednesday in the Focusing on the Future report the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income proposed progressively raising the age of eligibility for NZ Super (currently $21,336.64 before tax for a person living alone) as life-spans increase. Continue reading Kaspanz Chair Makes Sunday Star Times

2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies discussion document

From: Diane Maxwell [mailto:Diane.Maxwell]
Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2013 8:11 a.m.
Subject: Release of 2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies discussion document

Good morning

At 8 am this morning the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income released Focusing on the Future, a discussion document on the 2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies. A PDF copy of the document is attached to this email, or you can find it here on the Commission’s website. Hard copies are available on request. Continue reading 2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies discussion document

Canstar reports and findings

Compare Kiwi Saver funds using the star ratings comparison

Kiwisavers urged to compare fees to save


Thursday, 12 September 2013, 2:19 pm
Press Release: Canstar

12 September 2013

Kiwisavers urged to compare fees to save

CANSTAR researches 29 KiwiSaver schemes and 91 KiwiSaver funds to determine outstanding value providers.

Since the commencement of KiwiSaver in 2007, an impressive 2.16 million New Zealanders have become KiwiSaver members. Even more impressively, 49% of those have opted in via their provider, indicating that at least half of all KiwiSaver members have made an active choice with regards to the investment of their funds. Continue reading Canstar reports and findings