Tax changes and NZ Super

NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension

From 31 July changes to the Personal Income Tax thresholds mean some people getting NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension will get more in the hand if they’re on ‘M’ tax code.

This means the NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension after-tax rate may increase by up to $4.30 a fortnight if you are on ‘M’ tax code.

There are no changes if you are on the ‘S’ tax code.

This change will happen automatically – you don’t need to do anything. Your first payment with the new amount will be paid on 13 August.

This article was written by Alec Waugh

BA (history) Master Public Policy MPP. Career primarily Police 1968-2006. CEO Business Information Services (BIZinfo) Liberal commentator, voted NZ First/Labour last 3 elections. European. Interested in delivery issues and implementation, trends over time. Well read

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